Alpha Class

Every Wednesday at 6:00 pm

What is Alpha?

The Alpha Course is a 12-week group designed for people who are skeptical about, or have questions about the Christian faith. Alpha is a series of conversations about things we all question in life: Why do bad things happen to good people? What’s the purpose of life? What’s next? This group will include discussion and a judgment-free space to ask hard questions and share your opinion.

Alpha is for those who are skeptics, who are seeking out what faith in Jesus is all about, people who are new to faith and wanting to learn/grow, and anyone who is looking to find a judgement free space to ask the big questions of life.


Time: Wednesday Evenings 6:00PM
Book Cost: $10
Location: TBD
Length: 12 weeks
Start Date: January 29th

Please note: Childcare will be available but, dinner will not be provided. Please feel free to bring dinner for you and your family. Childcare check-in will begin at 5:45pm.