Family Dedication

May 12, 2024 9:30am - 12:30pm  |  Worship Center

2531 Smith Blvd, San Angelo, TX, USA

We believe every child is a gift from God and it is our privilege to partner with parents to teach them the ways of Jesus. Our family dedication services are an opportunity for parents to publicly commit to raising their children to know and love Jesus, in the presence of our pastoral team and church family. Dedication does not secure salvation; rather it is a symbolic moment of committing to raise your children to be Christ followers.

This is our regular Baby Dedication but we are expanding it this one time to include elementary aged children for families who didn’t have an opportunity during covid time!

If you have a child ages newborn-5th grade and would like to participate in the dedication, you can register here starting Sunday, April 21st. Dedication will happen during both of our Sunday services, so sign up for the one you are able to attend! Last day to register is Wednesday, May 1st.

Parent seminars will be held on Sunday, May 5th, 11:00-12:15 and 6:00-7:45pm at the PaulAnn Chapel. Attending one of our parent seminars is mandatory to dedicate your child on May 12th.