Northside Back to School Bash
August 11, 2024 3:00 - 6:00pm | Foster Communications Coliseum
Representing Jesus in the Concho Valley
The beginning of school is a big deal. Do you remember what it felt like to walk into school on the first day back? The butterflies in your stomach, the excitement for a new year, the nerves about who you would sit by at lunch? Our church has been given an incredible opportunity to help kids in San Angelo get ready to go back to school and it is going to take all of us to pull it off.
Help us help kids in San Angelo go back to school in style!
Who: All families with school aged children
What: An afternoon representing Jesus to our community by getting kids ready for school with free backpacks, school supplies, haircuts and food.
When: Sunday, Aug 11th, 3P-6P
Where: Foster Communications Coliseum
How you can help:
Donate: We need backpacks and school supplies! Next time you’re in Wal-Mart, grab an extra backpack or two (or twelve), grab some school supplies, and drop them off in the designated boxes in the foyer at PaulAnn. Our goal is 1500 backpacks! Let’s do this!
Please include these new items:
Composition Book or Spiral
Wide-Ruled Notebook Paper
Box of Colored Pencils
Box of 24ct Crayons
Pair of Scissors
#2 Pencils (at least 2)
Bottle of Glue or 2 Glue Sticks
Big Pink Eraser or 2 Pencil End Erasers
Optional items include:
Markers, pens, highlighters, pocket folders with brads, and kleenex boxes
Return to PaulAnn by Aug. 4th
Volunteer: We need LOTS of volunteers to make this event happen. We are pulling together with other organizations and churches in San Angelo to make this event a success. We need hair stylists, barbers, greeters, food servers, and smiling faces to help wherever needed.
Sponsor the Event: Do you have a business that would like to sponsor the event? You can contribute financially or apply to set up a booth at the event.