Square One // Spring 2025
March 26 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
At Square One, our mission is to provide biblical encouragement and support to first-time moms with babies newborn-5 months!
Connect not only with other first-time moms, but also with women who’ve done it before!
Wanting to serve a new mom? Click the sponsor a mom or volunteer button below!
If you're curious but still aren't sure if Square One is for you, we hope you take a second to hear from some of the moms that were in your shoes.
If you're expecting and would like to receive updates about upcoming Square One Classes or invitations to events for new moms, we’d love to stay in touch! Please provide the following information:
Square One began in the fall of 2005 at Watermark Church in Dallas, Texas with 11 new moms and 6 mentor moms.
When a woman becomes a mother for the first time, often it feels like all of life needs to be reconfigured. Being a new mom is like starting over from Square One.
Square One is designed to support women as they first become mothers. We want our discussions to be relevant and helpful for mothers in the earliest stages of parenting; by the second six months, new patterns of life with a baby have developed, and their concerns are different. Additionally, as babies become more distracting and mobile, it becomes more difficult for mothers to participate in discussions.
Yes, mothers bring and keep their baby with them. Women often attend before their baby has had shots. If the baby born pre-term, is at-risk, or mom has been cautioned by her pediatrician, moms may want to arrange for her infant to remain home with a caregiver and attend Square One by herself.
Leaders are experienced mothers who have a heart for women going through this stage of life. They typically have children over the age of two. They specifically prioritize listening over giving advice.
If a participant’s baby becomes fussy, a Square One Team Member might offer to help so that the mom can continue listening and discussing the topic. Team members are experienced moms, have background checks, and will always be in a public place while they are holding the infant.
In seven sessions, learn more about your new role as Mom – from wisdom, identity, and stewardship, to marriage, family relationships, and personal growth.