Lead Team
Kirt Dauphin
Lead Pastor
Aaron Gregory
Spiritual Formations Pastor
Cody Turner
Family Pastor
Quinn Banister
Leadership Development
Ashley James
Worship + Creative Arts Lead
Felipe Cuellar
Chief Operations Officer
Adult Ministries
Aaron Gregory
Spiritual Formations Pastor
Grace Holik
Administrative Assistant
Quinn Banister
Leadership Development
Ronnie Rosser
Women's Ministry Coordinator
Mandy Barnes
Celebrate Recovery Coordinator
Tom Francis
Facilities Manager
Judy High
Church Custodian
Byron Hixon
Facilities Maintenance Technician
Frances Lombrano
Church Custodian
Connor Hixon
Maintenance Tech + Custodian
At PaulAnn, our board of Elders consists of Pastors and Lay Elders. Lay Elders are members of the church body who have been commissioned by the church to give guidance, oversight, and direction to the church under the directives of Jesus Christ (1 Peter 5:4). They provide wise counsel and accountability for finances, personnel, and overall church direction and to the pastoral staff.
Current Job Openings
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